Sunday, May 26, 2024

Retro Beach Bliss


I am a recent random winner at the Classic Design Challenge. My prize was to choose three digital stamps from The Paper Shelter collection. One of my choices was "Retro Beach Bliss," which, as soon as I saw this adorable beach baby, I had to have!

I printed the digital stamp on X-press It Blending Card and colored her with Copic Markers. I layered the coloring a blue mat and adhered it to a white card. 

I added three small flowers to the lower left corner of the card.

 I had fun coloring and planning this cute card.



Granmargaret said...

Lovely card

brenda said...

SHe's a very sweet image, many thanks for sharing at Stamping Sensations May challenge.

B x

Deanne Saunders said...

Adorable!!! Thanks so much for participating in our 613 AVENUE CREATE challenge!!! I appreciate that you play along and I enjoy visiting your blog!! Have a happy crafty day!! Deanne at A Little Bit O’ Paper

Written in Ink Cards said...

she is prescious! Thanks for sharing at 613 Avenue Create.

Chana Malkah said...

Beautifully done! Thanks so much for sharing her with us at A Place to Start!