Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Baby Mermaid in Her Bubble Bed


The current unit in the drawing club at Awesome Art School is mermaids. This Baby Mermaid in Her Bubble Bed is a mixed media piece.

I followed Karen through several videos going step by step, beginning with drawing this mermaid on Canson 140 lb. cold press watercolor paper and tracing a lot of circles from a template.

I followed her shading the figure in pencil with a paper stump and then added a bit of Jane Davenport watercolors.

I used my new Kingart Pearlescent Watercolors (Mother's Day Gift) for the bed of bubbles. I put additional shading around the mermaid with a Blackwing Pencil and a paper stump.

This piece was done in a lengthy process and I enjoyed doing it!



Judy McKay said...

Very interesting and unique piece a art. I love your bad mermaid. Beautiful. Thank you for joining us at A Place to Start this month. Hope to see you beautiful art work back here again soon. Judy DT

Chana Malkah said...

Interesting piece! I will have to come back for a longer look! Thanks so much for sharing with us at A Place to Start!