Sunday, March 23, 2025

Dagda Mixed Media


I had fun working on this mixed media tutorial by Lucy Brydon for Awesome Art School. According to Lucy, a Dagda is an "Irish God of life and death and the patron of worriers and druids."

I drew this fellow with a Graphgear 1000 pencil in my Canson watercolor book. I colored him using Prismacolor Pencils and Artist's Loft Dual Tip Permanent Markers. The background and steam coming from the caldron were painted with Jane Davenport watercolors. I used white Holbein Artists' Gouache for the highlights on this fellow.

I wasn't  sure if my skills were up to this level, but I did my best and I'm very happy with the results!


1 comment:

Becca Sadler said...

He's a different character and one that I haven't heard of. The drawing with small details is evident and the misty shading around him helps create a mood that he arrives with a purpose. Thanks for sharing your mixed media drawing with Ally's Angels! -- Becca