Designing new cards and learning various techniques is my latest challenge. But along with each of these new techniques, comes dozens of homemade cards! So what do you do with all these small pieces of art?
You can give some with gifts to relatives and friends, but then there are way too many that could surely be put to good use. Recently while surfing the Internet, I found Operation Write Home or OWH for short. Basically, American crafters throughout the country hand-make cards, then send them to a shipper who packages them and sends them to our nation's armed forces overseas, who use them to write home to their relatives and friends. The handmade cards are blank inside. The cards can be use for birthdays, holidays or general greetings, and all can be put into service in order to help our people far from home communicate with their loved ones.
What a great idea! For information on this worthwhile cause, go to:
Bundle your cards off to our service men and women and help them to communicate with their family and friends. Check information on the website for Operation Write Home.
One last tip: If you are designing cards to be used by our service men and women for Christmas, they must be sent to the shipped by Oct. 30 at the latest.