These wonderful sailor boy images are from Mo's Digital Pencil...they are set sold for $10 and so much fun to work with. These are just 3 examples of my work using colored pencils.
The two with 2 images on the card were merged in Paint.Net. It took a bit of time to work them out, but was so worth it once I was successful. I found a very helpful blog, that I recommend you check out at
Just open a blank page in Click file then select a Jpeg.
Then do the same again from layers and import from file with the second Jpeg and adjust the position
relative to the first one by just clicking and dragging the image. You
can adjust the size by the handles at the corners of the selected jpeg. Use the eraser from tools and erase the surrounding box of the second image.
When you are happy with the whole picture save as one Jpeg.
Sounds complex when it is written, but when you have done it once it's easy. You can of course put as many Jpegs in as you wish!
After merging and saving the sailor boy and his dog, I added him to the front over Adele also an image from Mo's Digital pencil. Don't they make a sweet pair?
Now that I can do this, there will be no end to the new compositions I can make and color!
By the way, although I do forget on occasion, I try to watermark my cards.