Wow, I'm honored to have been selected by Sarah at ( Blissful Bucket List, for "The Sunshine Award." She has so much to look at and read on her blog, that you must spend some time visiting with her.
The Sunshine Award is
given from bloggers to bloggers. It’s for someone “who positively and
creatively inspires others in the blogosphere."
Okay, so here's how the award
First, you should thank the person who
gave you the award and link back to them.
Next, answer the following questions
about yourself.
Then, choose 10 of your favorite
bloggers and link their blogs to your post. Be sure to let them know that you
are nominating them for the award.
Last, be sure to copy and paste the
award to your blog!
1. Favorite color- My favorite color just happens to be pink and today is National Pink Day!
2. Favorite animal- Our dog Moose is definitely a member of the family!
3. Favorite number- 7, I'm not sure why, but it comes to mind!
4. Favorite Drink- Strawberry banana smoothies! Yum...if I could I would have that everyday...boy would I be fat!
5. Facebook or Twitter- Facebook, but sometime Twitter too!
6. Good book or good movie- Good book..that is turned into a good movie!I loved reading Dan Brown's "The Da Vinci Code," the movie was good, but the book was better!
8. Giving or getting gifts- Giving, to my wonderful adorable grandson! Love it!
7. My passion- Our terrific family is my #1! My
other passion is working in my art studio doing all of my crafting and art projects.
9. Favorite day- Any day that I'm with my family or doing one of my many art projects.
10. Favorite flower- Any and all kinds!
My 10
(In no particular
Suzy -
Trena -
Mindie -
Dr. Sonia -
Mel -
Terri -
Patty -
Joy -
Meg -
Michelle -