I just received this award from Lois at "My Creative Corner!" Thank you so much for thinking of me. I love being part of a creative group of bloggers sharing their gifts with others.
I am passing this award onto the following bloggers:
Sheila at shesasassylady.blogspot.com/
Suzanne at cricutcraftingrammy.blogspot.com
Lorraine at cardcreationsbylorraine.blogspot.com
Things about me!
I love my wonderful family, my adorable two year old grandson and my ten year old ballerina!
I always wanted to grow up to be an artist.
I love doing crafts of all kinds.
Learning new things to teach at Michaels is simply wonderful!
I love working at Michaels.
I love that Michaels is around the corner from me!
Meeting new creative spirits thru my blogging is just so cool!
Thanks so much for the fun I have doing and showing my art and crafts online!